$LFG Tokenomics Specifics
Blockchain: Solana.
Token pair: LFG/SOL
$LFG total supply: Variable.
Is $LFG inflationary? Yes.
Bonding discount: 30%
Bonding vesting period: 5 days. Each day, ⅕ of your bonded tokens (20%) will unlock in a linear fashion and become open for claiming, with 100% of your bonded tokens unlocked after the 5 day period.
How to bond: Visit https://lfg.eco/bonding. If bonding is currently open, simply select your coin of choice to swap and amount of $LFG you wish to bond, then click the Bond button. After the transaction is made, your bonding vesting period will begin.
Why bond? Bonding allows participants to make an outsized bet on the protocol's short term growth. As long as the $LFG token price stays equal or rises during the 5 day period after a participant has bonded, they will make a 30%+ profit.
Risks of bonding: The risk of bonding comes from the short term decline in token price. For example, if a participant bonds at a price per token of $0.01, doesn't sell at all throughout their 5 day vesting period, and the open market price after this period has dropped to $0.005, that means the participant has lost 50% of their USD value unless the token price rises again.
Bonding limit: LFG team opens bonding for a select amount of capital each time in order to maintain stability before closing bonding again. If you miss out on the current batch of bonds, you must wait until the next or purchase from the open market.
$LFG staking tax: 2.5%
$LFG unstaking tax: 2.5%
How to stake $LFG: Visit https://lfg.eco/staking, enter the amount of $LFG you wish to stake and click the "Stake" button. You will then immediately begin accruing claimable yield. Yield is distributed every 24 hours to $LFG stakers.
Claiming $LFG staking rewards: Simply click the "claim" button at https://lfg.eco/staking to claim your rewards.
Is compounding available?: Automatic compounding is not an option, but participants can manually compound their $LFG yield by claiming it and then immediately staking it. Though the 2.5% staking fee will be incurred.
Last updated